The verbs whose verb helping is ”to be” must be in accord with their former participations in the sex (male or female – adde) and in number (singular or plural – add s) with the name or pronoun of the subject, as indicated in Table 2: If the subject of the verb is also the object of the action, the current participant is in agreement with the subject. As you know, The French you can be used to refer to either more than one person (you plural) or politely to a single person (formal). In the Past Composed of (er) Words, the agreement depends on what you are used: for some verbs, the past part must agree on sex and number, either with the subject or with the subject of the sentence. This agreement is necessary in the following situations: Have you seen Romain`s new bike? This is it. [”Roman`s new motorcycle” is the direct object; in the first sentence, it does not conform to the verb; in the second sentence, the personal pronoun ”the” is the direct object that replaces ”Roman`s new motorcycle”; the old ”bought” stake therefore agrees with it.] The French uses two auxiliaries for its composite tensions: being and having. For semi-auxiliary verbs, there is no correspondence with the direct object, because the object always belongs to the infinitive, not to the semi-auxiliary agent. A lot of people want to avoid the direct object agreement – what do you think? Read the article and chat on Facebook: Now, for the past participatory agreement, French has only 3 cases: [Who/who is washed?-> ”hands.” ”Hands” is the direct object and is placed according to the verb, disagree.] As @Sifu said, these are the rules for formal written French. In common parlance, the agreement is welcome, but is not achieved with having most of the time. This proportion tends to be higher in the Being. In the very formal context, some people tend to use what we might call hypercorrigated French, and also with the clitic… However, the rules change when the verb is reflexive (always used with the word ”tre”).
If there is a direct object that is the recipient of the action, then the rules of the agreement are the same as to have: the past participant agrees with the direct object when placed in front of the verb and does not accept if placed after. But the verbs have to be approved in a very specific construction: the participatory past must agree with the direct object if the verb moves forward.